Category Archives: Stories from the Past

African-American Women in America – “HIdden Figures”

Mathematician Katherine Goble Johnson, computer programmer Dorothy Vaughan, and engineer Mary Jackson were awarded Congressional Gold Medals. These women are only a few of the many forgotten women, especially black women, who achieved amazing things in spite of the prejudice and road blocks thrown at them. All extremely brilliant women, they were the brains behind the launch of John Glenn into space in the 1960’s space race. The work of these “human computers” helped our country to put a man on the moon.

African-American Women in America – Madame C. J. Walker

Sarah Breedlove (McWilliams Davis) Walker’s life is told beautifully with an emphasis on her character. Her business acumen, philanthropy, love and care for her race, including empowering over 25,000 women to get good jobs is recounted. Her selfless giving is to be admired. She was an inspiration to others to give also. Madam was also active in politics, WWI, and social issues including the struggle against the illegal lynching of blacks. One of the most successful entrepreneurs of all times, her legacy continues to be admired.